Kavanot, Niggunim, Theology
Gesher Tzar Meod
"We are indeed in trying times. We have always been. And so, I encourage us all to lean on those ever-relevant words of Rabbi Nachman of Bretslov: Kol ha’olam kulo gesher tzar me’od, veha’ikar lo le’fached klal, All the world is a very narrow bridge, and the most important thing is not to be overwhelmed by fear. These words speak a great truth. All the world is a very narrow bridge on which we pass from one thing to another. There is no stability. Each new place, new change, creates fear. That life is so very precarious, and so very precious. And the most important thing? Is not to be overwhelmed by fear." (Rabbi David Wolpe) Psalm 89: Olam Chessed Yibaneh
(Music composed by Rabbi Menachem Creditor) The Psalmist wrote, Olam Chessed Yibanesh, that we all can, and therefore are obligated, to build a world of loving kindness, Chessed, Grace. Yehi Shalom B'Heilech
Shalom, peace, wholeness, is the only Beracha that requires others to help you fully actualize this state of being. That you can only make the blessing of Shalom within the context of a Tzibur, an intentional community. Parnassa, Gezunt… livelihood, health… Chochmaat HaLev, wisdom and self-awarenss… you can ask for these as an individual. But Shalom, only as a Tzibur… (From the Torah of Rabbi Shalom Katz) Interview on Spirituality & Cancer
This is a podcast interview with Pastor Tina Carter on her podcast Notes from Cancerworld. We talk about cancer from a spiritual perspective and support we might find there. https://notesfromcancerworld.alitu.com/episode/6f6e3ca8-e6f5-4fe8-8c8c-28cb04504f5b |